Friday, December 29, 2017

ASUKA Nara Japan Ancient Historical Mysterious Monolith Megalith Site ISHIBUTAI KOFUN Tomb

We rented bicycles for our ASAKA megaliths tour.  This was the last stop and it was unbelievable.

We returned our bicycles near the tomb and took a nearby bus to Asuka train station.

Thirty granite megaliths were used to make the structure.  The largest weighs 77 tons.  

The inside appears dark from the outside (above) but the inside is lit up by sunlight.

How were the megaliths cut and moved?  Who cut and moved them?  No one knows.

The inside is 7.5 meters long, 3.4 meters wide and 4.8 meters high.

The inside was found empty.  There is no real proof it was actually a tomb.

A ditch is next to the inner walls (above) and goes through the middle of the walkway (below).

We were amazed and awed by this structure.  We spent over 90 minutes here.

The photographs were taken December 12, 2017.

Unfortunately most of the related information is only in Japanese.

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