Friday, December 29, 2017

ASUKA Historical Museum, Carved Gods Animals Monolith Megalith Stones Burial Mound Nara Japan

The museum should be the first place you visit in Asuka.

All of the stone carvings on the grounds are reproductions.

There is not much English information outside the museum.

There is information in English inside the museum.

You can touch, examine and photograph the stones.

This is one of the few places you can touch the stone carvings.

Many of the original stones have fences around them.

The condition of the stones are better than the originals.

Visiting the original stones is still recommended.

The condition of the reproductions are better than the originals.

English information is available but you have to ask for it.

The following things are available in the museum only.

(Below)  Reproduction of wall paintings inside a burial mound.

We spent over an hour inside and outside the museum.

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